Terms of Use

1. Welcome to More n Mo by WallOf, this is a service created and provided by WallOf Digitized Innovation (Pty) Ltd ("WallOf","we", "our", or "us").

2. These Terms of Use ("Terms of Use") govern the use of https://moreandmo.bywallof.co.za (as the "website", "our platform", "platform" and "app"), selling and buying e-tickets ("tickets") for events published on the platform.

3. These Terms of Use are binding every person that uses this platform ("you", "your" or "user"), including without limitation each user who registers as contemplated below (“registered user”). By using the platform and by clicking on the “Register” button on the application, as may be applicable, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

4. Our platform allows users to sell e-tickets and buy from other users (who may be "organisers"). Registered users have the ability to create e-tickets for a unique event (or "event") with the option of setting their own desired price for different ticket classes.

5. Our platform allows registered users to sell and shop online different ticket class.

Important Notice

1. These Terms of Use, apply to users who are consumers for purposes of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008 (the “CPA”).

2. These Terms and Conditions contain provisions that appear in similar text and style to this clause and which -

  1. may limit the risk or liability of WallOf; and/or
  2. may create risk or liability for the user; and/or
  3. may compel the user to indemnify WallOf or a third party; and/or
  4. serves as an acknowledgement, by the user, of a fact.

3. Registered and unregistered users are directed to these Terms of Use because they are important to the user and should be read with understanding and noted.

4. If there is any provision or clause in these Terms of Use that you do not understand, it is your responsibility to ask WallOf to explain it to you before you accept the Terms of Use or continue using our platform.

5. Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended or must be understood to unlawfully restrict, limit or avoid any right or obligation, as the case may be, created for either you or WallOf in terms of the CPA.

6. By using this platform in any way, you shall be deemed to have accepted all the Terms of Use unconditionally. You must not use this platform if you do not agree to the Terms of Use.

Registration and use of the platform
  1. Only registered users may shop and sell on our platform.
  2. To register as a user, you must provide a phone number, OTP code and personal details to the platform. You will need to use your unique phone number to access the platform in order to organize events, sell tickets and/or shop tickets.
  3. You agree and warrant that your phone number shall:
    1. be used for personal use only; and
    2. not be shared by you to any third party.
  4. For security purposes you agree to enter the valid phone number whenever buy or sell tickets, failing which you will be denied access.
  5. You agree that, once the correct phone number relating to your account have been entered, irrespective of whether the use of the phone number and OTP is unauthorised or fraudulent, you will be liable for payment of item, save where the payment process is cancelled by you in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  6. You agree to notify us immediately upon becoming aware of or reasonably suspecting any unauthorised access to or use of your username and password and to take steps to mitigate any resultant loss or harm.
  7. By using the platform you warrant that you are 18 (eighteen) years of age or older and of full legal capacity. If you are under the age of 18 (eighteen) or if you are not legally permitted to enter into a binding agreement, then you may use the platform only with the involvement and supervision of your parent or legal guardian. If your parent or legal guardian supervises you and gives his/her consent, then such person agrees to be bound to these Terms of Use and to be liable and responsible for you and all your obligations under these Terms of Use.
  8. You agree that you will not in any way use any device, software or other instrument to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the platform (or this website). In addition, you agree that you will not in any way use any robot, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor, copy, distribute or modify the platform or the information contained herein, without the prior written consent from an authorised WallOf representative.
  9. You may not use the platform to distribute material which is defamatory, offensive, contains or amounts to hate speech or is otherwise unlawful.
  10. You may not in any way display, publish, copy, print, post or otherwise use the platform and/or the information contained therein without the express prior written consent of an authorised WallOf representative.
  11. By using our platform, you agree to publish paid or free events that is by you (by containing the proof of ownership for the shared digital content). By failing to provide ownership proof, upon complaints for your events or claims over your ticket sales, we have the right to:
    1. remove your events from our platform and/or,
    2. close your account or suspend your account until proof of ownership is provided to WallOf representatives. and/or also
    3. we will contact the law and open a fraud case against you/your account and law enforcement will be in contact with you.
    4. also important to note, WallOf is not resposible for any false event information published on the platform. We are not responsible for any events published without our knowledge.
  12. Payment for ticket
    1. It is in our best interest to provide our users with secure payment systems and with this intention we are providing tokenized and secure payment experience. We use third party payment gateways to process payments within our platform. We also use tokenization to provide users with a seamless and quick payment experiences. With the tokenization process, users are able to do a one-click payment.
    2. Whether the sold items are for sale by WallOf or a user, payment may be made for items via the following methods (depending on its availability and/or your eligibility to use such a method) -
      1. debit card; where payment is made by debit card, we may require additional information in order to authorise and/or verify the validity of payment. In such cases we are entitled to withhold access to the ticket until such time as the additional information is received by us and authorisation is obtained by us for the amounts.
      2. credit card: where payment is made by credit card, we may require additional information in order to authorise and/or verify the validity of payment. In such cases we are entitled to withhold access to the ticket until such time as the additional information is received by us and authorisation is obtained by us for the amounts
      3. WallOf Vouchers/Funds;
    Ticket Cancellation and refund

    As a user, you have the ability to cancel your ticket. If a ticket is priced, you will be refunded 80% of the amount you paid for that specific ticket. This refund process can take up to 12 days to reflect onto the user's bank account.

    Please note: once the ticket has been scanned or the day of the event has passed - the ticket owner will not be able to apply for a refund.

    Publishing/hosting an event

    Our service is not available to anyone under the age of 16. If you under the age of 16, you understant that you need an adult (or parental supervision) to give you their consent to use our Services.

    Unregistered users are unable to sell or publish their digital products through our service.

    Upon registration, you are required to provide a phone number and OTP to uniquely identify your account.

    Please read our privacy policy for more details.

    Upon successful registration: the registered user will be granted the rights to publish and sell event tickets through our monetization process.

    Published tickets can be bought from the platform by any user with access to the platform.

    Upon publishing of the digital product, as a user you are given the right to set a price (not below ZAR 30.00) for your digital product.

    Published events can be deleted and updated by the organiser of the event.

    Withdrawal of Revenue and/or applying for Settlements
    1. Registered users are able to withdraw their event revenue/Credits (displayed as event revenue) to their actual bank accounts by:
      1. Providing the account number, account holder name (or names), branch code and bank.
      2. by using their stored (card) payment details - users are able to withdraw without constantly providing the account details specified in this section on 1.1 clause.

    Please note: WallOf is entitled to 8% of every ticket sold on the platform. That means, our platform is entitled to 8% of the revenue generated from an event published on the platform, and the user/organiser is entitled to 92% of the event revenue.

    Access to event ticket
    1. For paid tickets, ticket ID will be generated once the payment process is identified as successful. Paid items, once bought, you have the right to open and display without having to make another payment.
    2. For Free ticket, ticket ID is created once the user is able to book a seat.
    Privacy policy

    For a better understanding of how we use your data and information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

    Changes to these Terms of Use

    As WallOf, we are able to make changes and update these Terms of Use without the users' involvement. We may or may not update registered users once the changes have been implemented. It is your responsibility to regularly check these Terms of Use and make sure that you are satisfied with the changes. Should you not be satisfied, you must not continue to use the platform nor sharing content on the platform or even make any purchase.

    Ownership and copyright
    1. The contents of the platform (and the website), including any material, information, data, icons, text, graphics, lay-outs, images, sound clips, advertisements, video clips, trade names, logos, trade-marks, designs and service marks which are displayed on or incorporated in this Website (“Platform Content”) are protected by law, including but not limited to copyright and trade mark law. The Platform Content is the property of WallOf, its advertisers and/or sponsors and/or is licensed to WallOf.
    2. You will not acquire any right, title or interest in or to the Platform or the Platform Content.

    The use of the Platform is entirely at your own risk and you assume full responsibility for any risk or loss resulting from use of the Platform or reliance on any information on the Platform.

    Any views or statements made or expressed on the Platform are not necessarily the views of WallOf, its owners, representatives and/or agents.

    In addition to the disclaimers contained elsewhere in these Terms of Use, WallOf also makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, that the information or files available on the Platform are free of viruses, spyware, malware, trojans, destructive materials or any other data or code which is able to corrupt, destroy, compromise, disrupt, disable, harm, jeopardise or otherwise impede in any manner the operation, stability, security functionality or content of your computer system, computer network, hardware or software in any way. You accept all risk associated with the existence of such viruses, destructive materials or any other data or code which is able to corrupt, compromise, jeopardise, disrupt, disable, harm or otherwise impede in any manner the operation or content of a computer system, computer network, any handset or mobile device, or your hardware or software, save where such risks arise due to the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of WallOf or authorised representatives. WallOf thus disclaims all liability for any damage, loss or liability of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in in connection with your access to or use of the Platform.

    Limitation of liability
    1. WallOf will not be accountable for any inaccurate information written/put on the Plaform by users and/or any incorrect prices displayed on the Platform, save where such liability arises from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of WallOf, its representatives or directors. You are encouraged to contact us to report any possible malfunctions